Sun. Jun 23rd, 2024

‘Creeping evolution’ from teaching to indoctrination in Australian classrooms

By Online Filmek May29,2024
‘Creeping evolution’ from teaching to indoctrination in Australian classrooms

There is a “creeping evolution” from teaching to indoctrination in Australia’s education system, according to Sky News host Peta Credlin.

Ms Credlin said this is “epitomised” by the draft national curriculum’s insistence “that every single subject be taught from an Indigenous, Asian, and sustainability perspective”.

“IPA polling shows 82 per cent of Australians disagree that students should be forced to apologise for their skin colour. 86 per cent disagree that boys should be ashamed of being male. And 69 per cent oppose students being taught that Australia is a racist country.”

Ms Credlin said the federal government “complains” about biased teaching but “hasn’t actually done much about it”.

“Quiet Australians go to the polls next year, and they want the Morrison government to step up,” she said.

“This generation's philosophy of the classroom is the next generation's philosophy of government.”

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