Extracts from several Czechoslovakian films
An old man with a long white beard and a black hat pushes past a small crowd of villagers. The follow him, some holing onto his arms as they then lead him through a wooden gate. A shot of the back of the men as they walk by. The elderly man with the beard greets a crowd of poor looking men waiting outside his door and they follow after him. The men stand outside talking. Medium close-up of the man with the white beard addressing the men (who are out of shot). Back to the gathering as they listen to him as he stands on the verada slightly above.
A man in a suit and galsses sits at a table with another man wearing a military uniform watching him, the man in glasses is signing a piece of paper. An animated map of Hungary, Austria and Slovakia with Budapest marked in the centre and Bratislava named under its Hungarian term of Pozsony. The border of Hungary fills out to mark its extention into Slovakia.
A large crowd of people looking in one direction. An illustrated map showing the borders around Hungary and surrounding countries. Another map, the camera pans out from Hungary to show Poland and the Ukraine.
The film returns to a more dramatic extract of a Czech film in which a woman walks in a dark cavernous room and then paints the face of a black man watching over her. The title on the footage reads 'Vzpoura [?] pravem otrokovym'. Very stark lighting from below gives his face a ghostly appearance. The woman steps away from him, her arm still raised, she falls to the ground. Close-up of chains breaking across his skin fades into curatins being drawn apart. He walks awkwardly across the darkened room. Close-up of iron bars being bent as he uses enormous strength to push them from their window frame.
A village in day time, children run merrily from a school house, watched by an old woman as they skip by.