Thu. Jul 4th, 2024



In 2007 a hard-drive filled with video footage crashed on me. Some of the footage was backed up and some of it wasn't...some of it has been seen and some of it hasn't...
When the hard-drive crash, I assumed all the footage was lost. So, I tossed the drive into the back of my closet hoping that one day the hard-drive would work again.
Recently, I pulled the drive out from my closet, plugged it into my computer and tried to start it up again...nothing happened, still dead.
Then I tried running the Disk Utility app with my computer in Safe Mode and was able to bring the drive back from the dead.
Needless to say I was quite happy to recover all my footage and decided it might be best to share it with the world.
Hope you enjoy it, please share it and watch it a million times over...cause I monetized this shit. haha

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