When you are new to Canada, it gets a little confusing as to where to put all your savings? What types of Bank accounts are there? etc. In this video, we have covered the basics of all of that and we are sure after watching this, a lot of things would get clear to you and you will feel more confident about your knowledge on the Canadian Banking industry.
Check which banks are CDIC insured: https://www.cdic.ca/your-coverage/list-of-member-institutions/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtZH7BRDzARIsAGjbK2ZQOe0zz0ckw69racoRRzAf8JXABfkUhlYTBO8u8gvm_oHtXlJ6SiwaAlQnEALw_wcB
Equipment used for shooting and editing the video:
OnePlus 7T: https://amzn.to/32AXesJ
Boya m1 Lavalier mic: https://amzn.to/3mqPWj2
DJI OM 3: https://amzn.to/32zxbCg
Seagate External Hard Drive: https://amzn.to/3mqQk0Y
00:00 - Intro
00:31 - Types of Bank accounts in Canada
05:42 - TFSA
08:52 - RRSP
11:00 - RESP
12:02 - RDSP
Inspired by:
@Canada Couple
@Canada Couple Vlogs
@Dream Abroad
@Potato Talkies - Canada
@Traveling Desi
@Niketa Sidhu
Music provided by “Music for Video Library”
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