Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Legal implications of GitHub Copilot & Co

Legal implications of GitHub Copilot & Co

This presentation highlights the most important legal implications that you should be aware of as a developer or a Siemens OSS community member.

Felix Mannewitz is Head of Legal for IT & Software Licensing at Siemens, advising on a broad range of technology topics. He is also a Legal advisor for the Siemens OSS Task Force.

Open Source @ Siemens event, the annual series by Siemens for all topics around open source software, collaboration culture and technology. This year's instalment marks the 10th anniversary, while being open to the full public since 2021. The whole event was being recorded live at Galvanik in Zug, Switzerland. Learn more at https://opensource.siemens.io/events/2023/.

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