Sat. Dec 28th, 2024
MOVIE 30 famous people who made history in #AlbaIulia

Which could be the connection between John Smith, the adventurer who exhorted the Englishmen to settle down in America, the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, and Charles VI, the Holy Roman Emperor? Any common point between Louis I of Hungary and the King Ferdinand I of Romania? What about John Hunyadi, Michael the Brave, prince Gabriel Bethlen, French general Henry Berthelot, or German poet Martin Opitz? They all seem just famous people from different times and spaces. However, all of them have associated their name to one city: Alba Iulia.
Our documentary movie highlights 30 famous people who made history in #AlbaIulia. We are talking about emperors, kings, „voivodes”, princes, cultural, political and military figures, high priests. They are well-known on national and European scale and they have coupled their name to the city with the largest citadel in Romania – Alba Carolina Citadel.
This movie is being shown to the world as a tool for promoting the extraordinary cultural heritage of Alba Iulia among Romanian and foreign tourists. The documentary is 28-minute long and it also has versions in Hungarian, German, French and Italian languages. The film was made possible through the project ”Alba Iulia – A Visual History Through Famous Prints”, deployed by Alba Iulia Municipality and co-funded via AFCN (the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, an organism belonging to the Romanian Ministry of Culture). It is one of the most important projects aimed at valorizing the cultural heritage of the city.

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