Tue. Sep 3rd, 2024

Proximity Marketing - Turn Your FREE WiFi Into A WiFi Advertising Income Stream

Proximity Marketing – Turn Your FREE WiFi Into A WiFi Advertising Income Stream

Proximity marketing – http://www.wifiadexchange.com
Turn Your FREE WiFi into a WiFi Advertising Income Stream In A Matter Of Days!
For more information schedule a call today at http://www.wifiads.net or call 303-803-2563

Proximity WiFi Marketing – Do you currently offer FREE WiFi to your guests or customers? Are you generating a revenue stream by offering FREE WiFi or is it an expense? Most businesses have no idea it’s possible to generate an income by offering FREE WiFi. Some WiFi companies are telling you they can create a revenue for you by offering FREE WiFi but that’s by using it to drive traffic and repeat business. Yes WiFi Adexchange does this as well, but were talking about creating a real revenue stream from your FREE WiFi. All the new customers and repeat business it creates is just gravy….
WiFi Advertising - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gav4bbheHHA />WiFi Marketing – What To Ask For When You Are Approached By A Business Offering WiFi Marketing
The first question that I think is extremely important is, What kind of routers are you using? The last thing you want is to have routers in your business that cannot send a signal far or can’t hold very many users. If your WiFi is slow or the connection is bad, then you have guests or customers that are not to happy…
The next question to ask, How can my business create a revenue stream from your WiFi advertising Opportunity? A lot of these companies will show you a fancy login page that has everything on it. Ads, logos, links to other sites etc,.. They might even be really pretty to look at. But, when you think about it, how many times does the person have to log into your FREE WiFi? Usually once and they are selling you the fact that it helps generate repeat business. So, if it generates repeat business and they only see the login page once, how much is that ad space worth to you on that login page? NOT MUCH!!!!!!
You want a WiFi system that generates ads not only on the login page but while they are surfing the net.
Can the WiFi System They Are Trying To Sell You, Allow You The Business Owner To Sell Ad space To Other Businesses Around Town That Are Not In Competition With You? If the answer is NO, walk away! To see exactly what kind of ads you can sell and the ads you can have to promote your business with WiFi Adexchange click here -

If you would like to see how WiFi Adexchange can help your business feel free to schedule a call with us today. Click here – http:/www.wifiads.net
Website: http://www.wifiadexchange.com

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