Mon. Jul 29th, 2024

Scott Morrison discusses freedom of religion during Hillsong conference

Scott Morrison discusses freedom of religion during Hillsong conference

Australian prime minister Scott Morrison speaks about the debate around freedom of religion at the opening of the national conference of the evangelical Hillsong church. 'It’s not the laws that make freedom of religion work, it’s the culture that accepts it,' he tells a crowd of 21,000 people. 'I speak about my faith because I want everyone in this place to feel comfortable talking about faith in this country. It’s not a political agenda, it’s who we are.' Morrison says while freedom of belief in Australia is fundamental, Christians need to prioritise love over judgments. He used the example of persecuted Christians in Soviet Russia: 'You didn’t hear they were complaining about their rights. They were out there for God. This country needs more love, less judgment'.
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Scott Morrison calls for ‘more love’ as he prays for Australia at Hillsong ► conference

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