Sat. Jun 15th, 2024
Small Business Technology and IT and Telecoms Trends in 2020

Hi, it's Nick Brandon from tecwork and with it being nearly the end of January 2020 we thought it was high time to let business people know what we think are going to be the major trends for small businesses in 2020 regarding IT, and telecoms, and business technology in general. So we've done a a short blog covering the main things we think are going to continue to be and will be implemented and adopted by small businesses.
So if you own, or manage, or even work in a small organization, it'd be quite worthwhile to you to have a look at the link below in the blog that we've done. So we talk briefly about support and the fact that we're seeing more and more small to medium size organizations just not really want to put up with poor support levels from their suppliers, both in IT and telecoms. We talk about the continued migration from ISDN, old circuit switch phone system technology, and PBX's , premises based control units, to VoIP and that sets to continue definitely.
In a similar manner, we talk also about MIGRATION TO CLOUD for IT services. So things like Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Sharepoint will continue to be big and businesses and organizations can save themselves a lot of money and saves themselves a lot of stress and make themselves more agile by adopting these services. We cover briefly Cyber security and network protection, general PC protection, going back also to mobile and remote working, making your people agile so they can work anywhere in the world at any point on any time from any device.
We talked briefly about the internet and the rollout of faster internet, and we cover the fact that the government subsidy for fast fibre internet connections will probably shortly be pulled, which is bad news because most of our customers had taken advantage of the subsidy. We also talk about PC upgrades, wifi cabling, and office relocations. So yeah, if you work in a small organization and you're affected by any of these things, which you probably are, then definitely take a look and click on the link of our blog. Thanks very much.

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