Tue. Sep 3rd, 2024

The Science Behind Marketing & Advertising

The Science Behind Marketing & Advertising

Advertisers and Marketeers have turned to Science & Technology To Gaurentee They Get Your Attention Without You Even Noticing!

Using This widly used piece of software, Designers can see how to design their piece of marketing or advertisment to make it as impactfull as possible.

In the world of marketing and advertising its dog eat dog it is the survival of the fittest. It’s a war for our attention and winning as many eyeballs as possible. Giant fonts, Flashing lights, moving signs. Advertisers, designers and marketers will do anything they can to get an advantage over their competitors. So, In such a saturated market with everything fighting for your attention how do you stand out and make sure you get noticed? You turn to and science and technology and the buzziest of buzz words the algorithm.

When I go to a client with a design, they can no longer give dreaded subjective feedback, Make this bigger, change this colour move that over there… as the designer has empirical evidence showing why this is there why it’s this big and why that colour. The client also in turn when talking to their superiors can say the same thing. This saves masses of time, stress and importantly money as you no longer need endless revisions and the decision on what the final design iteration should be has been made for you.

So next time you’re in a shop or walking down the street and a piece of advertising jumps out at you ask yourself why that caught my eye as chances are, now, you know…

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