Mon. May 6th, 2024
65° Cannes Film Festival: The first Birks Canadian Diamond Award

(Birks & Mayors Inc.-Telefilm Canada) - Canada's leading luxury jeweller Birks is today unveiling the two recipients of the inaugural Birks Canadian Diamond: actresses Sarah Gadon and Emily Hampshire were chosen by the Birks Selection Committee to receive the prestigious award. The Birks Canadian Diamond trophy will be presented to them at the Cannes Film Festival during Telefilm Canada's first Tribute To Canadian Talent press event and reception on May 23. Birks created the award to recognize the accomplishments of up-and-coming Canadian talent who allow our country to be celebrated on the international stage.
«It is a great honour to present the first Birks Canadian Diamond to two young and successful Canadian actresses, Sarah Gadon and Emily Hampshire, who have both made their mark on the film industry with exceptional acting performances. Today their achievements bring them to the Cannes Film Festival as they both star in films selected by the Festival,» says Jean-Christophe Bedos, President and CEO of Birks. «Sarah and Emily's talent can now be celebrated not only across Canada but around the planet. They are an asset to the Canadian film industry and help our country shine abroad.»
«Actors are the glue that holds together all the elements of a cinematic narrative for the audience. Sarah and Emily are two rising stars, who through their wonderful performances, elevate this very creative process,» says Carolle Brabant, Telefilm Canada's Executive Director. «The two award recipients are also instrumental in the promotion of their films and in ensuring that these productions reach moviegoers. We are proud to recognize their talent with this partnership with Birks.»

65° Cannes Film Festival: The first Birks Canadian Diamond Awards
Report & Camera by Mariangiola Castrovilli
Editing by Claus


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