Thu. May 16th, 2024
Mise & Place 🍜  Celery  #elajicito

Hello, hello!!!

According to the french cousine "mise-en-place" means: “put in place” and, finally it suppose that ingredients are prepped, tools are gathered, and everything is organized before cooking begins. 🌶🌿🍷

Now, we want to celebrate a "life cooking" with these CAPSULES ENCOURAGING YOU TO COOK. 😉👌 Nothing is easy, but even the complicated has its charm. 🍽 Come on, look for a recipe and fall in love with cooking!!! 🍷❤️

I've always cooked, but I'm not a chef.
I am peruvian girl and apparently my northern blood makes the food stand out with a very special touch. ✌️ With experience in my own business, I embarked on a journey where I worked in US restaurants abroad learning the discipline and organization of "healthy food".🌿🌶

Im Cristina Ponce de Leon and I thank you for watching my videos and sharing them. Love & light!! ❤️🌟

Whatsapp: 51.1.977198207 - 51.1.977198218

#cocina #recetas #tips #delicacies #cocinaperuana #buffet
#catering #comidacriolla #sazon #elegance #distincion #personalidad #A1

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